22 February 2016

Arduino based EarthQuake detector with coding DIY

Before going into this project i would like to tell you that this is just a school project . Ofcourse I did this during my third year of college and this project may help the Beginners who wants to learn Arduino.

     Here i have used 3-axis Accelerometer Sensor interfaced with Arduino . whenever the Accelerometer is shaken or mover there will be a buzzer sound beeping and i call it a EarthQuake Detector

Components/Software required

1. Arduino UNO
2. Accelerometer Sensor (ADXL3xx)
3. BreadBoard
4. Jumper Wires (Female to male) -6
5. Buzzer / LED (For indication)
6. Arduino IDE Software - https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Accelerometer Sensor (ADXL3xx)

Arduino Uno


1. ST - A0
2. Z - A1
3. Y - A2
4. Z - A3
5. GND - A4
6. VDD - A5
7.Buzzer or LED on Digital PIN 12 and Digital Ground the -ve terminal of Buzzer/LED

You could use male to female jumper wires to connect accelerometer to Arduino Analog Pins

Coding :

1.First we have to find the values of accelerometer in its actual position then write actual code for the buzzer indications


Before Uploading the sketch make sure you have given the Hardware connection correctly and place Accelerometer in a narrow surface.

Here is the test code Copy paste in Arduino IDE

const int xpin = A3;                  // x-axis of the accelerometer
const int ypin = A2;                  // y-axis
const int zpin = A1;                  // z-axis (only on 3-axis models)

void setup()
  // initialize the serial communications:


void loop()
  // print the sensor values:
  // print a tab between values:
  // print a tab between values:
  // delay before next reading:

2.Now compile the code  .

3.Connect the Arduino to PC and Upload the code . If you get any error regarding ports  then go to
   Tools--> Ports and change the port . This will work .

4 . Open Serial monitor . Tools --> Serial Monitor . Now you will be seeing X,Y,Z values of Accelerometer in its surface position . When you move the Accelerometer the value will be changed

5. Note the optimu value . I got 300   280   300 . If you get a different value note it and change in the Following code

Now lets check the final code...

Final Code:

Note: If you get any other value than 300   280   300 , make change in code at xmin,ymin and                zmin

int buzzerop = 12;
int xpin = A3;                   // x-axis of the accelerometer
int ypin = A2;                   // y-axis
int zpin = A1;
long xmin=300;   //     If you get different value while running the TEST.ino code
long ymin=280;   //     Put that here
long zmin=300;   //      300    280    300 are the value taken from my TEST.ino output
long x=0;
long y=0;
long z=0;

void setup()



void loop()
   x = analogRead(xpin);
   y = analogRead(ypin);
   z = analogRead(zpin);

   if(y<ymin || x<xmin || z<zmin)               // the buzzer will be beeped only if they cross this condition

Thats all folks , whenever you shake or tilt the Accelerometer there will be a Buzzer sound.

If you want the Device to be more sensitive then alter the values of  X , Y , Z

If you cannot get the output contact me :-



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